Wraith: I'm not saying other companies got away with it in the past. I'm saying that this level of hate for something like this is ridiculous. I'm beginning to think I got a completely different copy of the game because I don't see any of the problems everyone complains about, and if there was anyone who was going to be insanely critical of an Aliens game it's going to be me. The Aliens don't just walk up to me, they run, pounce, and flank. Acid blood has killed me numerous times in SP and MP.
Cormoran: Yes you did, allow me to requote you.
Christ, I didn't even use the "we were lied to" argument when Invisible War came out, and THAT was a game I had buyers remorse on and had a legitimate complaint over initial gameplay footage/screenshots compared to the final product. Doom 3 promotional material typically looked way better than the final product but I didn't hear any bitching on that front either
Cormoran: Here you're saying they got away with it and no one complained, so we shouldn't here either.
I watched gameplay videos before release, but I didn't watch the E3 demos. I watched the gameplay trailers on websites that showed actual game footage a month or two before release. It looks the same in those trailers. I guess I fail to understand the lied to argument because I fail to see where I was lied to at any point in the process. What we were promised was an Aliens game and experience. They delivered on that.
Cormoran: By that logic you can happily say that no company ever lies to you. They stated specifics, showed specifics, you're talking about a generalization. Of course they delivered an aliens game, the issue is that they didn't deliver the one they pitched to the public.
The issue I find insulting is what this mentality is doing to gaming as a whole. Gamers are getting a huge sense of entitlement, and it's not just on PC. If something doesn't meet our increasingly insane expectations we lash out. This is just one of many examples, the other most recent offender was Mass Effect 3. We are probably the only demographic that has this many levels of expectations on a company and we demand they fulfill every single one of them. If they don't do what we want, we bitch and moan until we either get what we want or basically boycott a dev/pub.
Cormoran: Here is a problem with modern consumerism, companies have sold us on the idea that complaining is seen as a "bad" thing. I'm relegated to being called "entitled" by my fellows gamers just because I expect something to be as advertised. That we have so many expectations SHOULD be seen as a good thing, particularly when those are expectations these companies advertise to us.
I didn't personally shout out I was lied to about DX:IW, but many others did. Doom 3 got a pass for whatever reason that shall probably be forever unexplained. But let's also go back as far as 2001 and the Halo E3 Demo for PC/Mac which was a COMPLETELY different game. Many people still complain about what it eventually turned into and how different it was from the demo, even if it had the situation of being a console port later.
We are going to be constantly at odds over what was advertised because of our perception of what we thought was advertised. I'm at work so I can't access videos but go look at the MP and SP gameplay videos that were released in the last two months. I think they are on GamesRadar, at least the ones I saw, I know one of them opens with Hicks' distress call. IIRC, the E3 demo was the same demo that I saw at PAX 2011, and I was blown away by that when I saw it. I felt like the experience was the same, and visually I don't see any major differences. I didn't install the DX10 patch until after I had already beat the campaign and I didn't notice any mind blowing differences in visuals in my second playthrough.
I'm in no way saying complaining to a company is a bad thing, but there is a difference between criticism and unrealistic expectations. I'm not saying you are personally entitled, I'm talking about the hive mind mentality that gets caught up in the public perception. if you have a valid critique, that's fine. People don't like the story, I don't find it very compelling either TBH. The lighting is different from the demos, ok, fine, criticize that and ask if it can be changed. But demanding it be fixed or constantly shouting that people were personally lied is, in my opinion, a negative stereotype that gamers continually perpetuate. To use an analogy that is in no way close to gaming, it's like buying a car and saying "Well, the red doesn't look as bright as it did in the photos and the dyno says it actually has 5 less HP than advertised. Ford are liars who misrepresented their cars!"
As far as the two builds go, it's starting to become a theory of quite a few people actually. Some of us have no problems, others have tons. It wouldn't be the first time people got the wrong build. When Dead Island got released, we all got the alphas instead :/
misfire200: The only people i can assume who have no issues with the "graphics" either do not have video cards to take advantage of the latest graphics or have not played games on ultra for the last 5 years=( Or just do not care about graphics.
GTX 680 here, no problems with graphics here. Textures could use a bit more definition but otherwise fine.