Blarg: This all but entirely discounts the influence of money and power and how they really work. Which is so glib as to derail any serious consideration of the issues.
It's good that you're satisfied, but that's no great barometer. The reasonably secure, privileged, and well-off are always satisfied, and the most secure, privileged, and well-off are most satisfied of all.
But wait ... would we expect them to be anything other than satisfied in the first place? Especially with the limited opportunity of others to rock their boats and give them perhaps a little less to be satisfied about?
If what I had written "all but entirely discounts the influence of money and power and how they work", that is a good thing, because that was not the intent or subject on which I had written. Perhaps you could enlighten the world on this matter, if you know, as it is not something I am very familiar with, or care much about.
That I am satisfied with the right I have to express myself, under the law, has absolutely nothing to do with my socioeconomic status either, as I most assuredly do not fall within the group you seem to hold in such low esteem above (at least not as compared to the norm in this country.)
To go outside of the law for dissent, when more than adequate structures exist to ensure your right to do so, does worse than 'rock someone's boat', it puts holes in your own. People are common to every institution we have, as well as to society in general, and if it becomes commonplace and acceptable for people to skirt the law to advance their positions, what is to stop the police or government from doing the same? In other words, what makes you think it is fine for one group to do it, and not another? You could find yourself wishing for the rights to dissent that you have now, as ditches do not make very good podiums for the eternally silent.
If you have an issue, make it public within the law. If it has merit, others will climb on board, and you'll have political capital. If no-one climbs on, refine or clarify the message and try it again. If it still fails, accept that it just is not an issue that many, or enough, care about and move on.
I am not saying things are perfect, that it is easy to get things done, or that you will find an audience for your ideas, but what I am saying is that things are best done within the law, and to move outside of it can have ramifications far greater than the perceived evil that you are trying to fight.