Posted May 05, 2011

I was actually holding off on reading this thread at all until I decided whether or not to 'fess up to my own works of fiction.
I have written a few stories, but they are part of a shared universe at a webzine I used to frequent. As such, the stories assume that the reader is familiar with the universe, and so might not be too well received by people who are not.
Anyway, the webzine is called Aphelion, and focuses on fantasy and science fiction. It is primarily meant as a place where writers can practice their craft and get feedback from the readers (who are often other writers). It's free to read, and doesn't pay the writers either. As such, it exists for the love of writing.
My two stories are here:
Sociology Experiment
Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina is the sequel to Sociology Experiment, so if any of you do want to read them, read them in order. Also be advised that both stories deal heavily with religion, so if you are a religious person and is easily offended by the writings of others on the subject, please skip these stories. You won't like them, I promise.