Posted January 03, 2013
I realize this could lead a few different ugly places, but I will do so anyway. The Linux Steam client, while still in beta, is available to anyone interested in giving it a go. So I am curious as to who has given it a try and how they feel about it. Whatever that may entail.
To try and be somewhat focused on the issue I am asking only for comments relating to Steam on Linux. What that means is if you love or hate the idea of Steam on Linux, or have something to say about your experience on using the client on Linux then feel free to say whatever you like. But if you have no personal feelings about Steam in direct relation to Linux, and just want to love or hate on it as a concept, then we have lots of other topics on that issue, and I would prefer those comments go there instead.
Obviously I did install the client, which was rather painless. It's intended for Ubuntu 12.04 but I'm running Mint 14 based on 12.10, which the client doesn't seem to mind. It installed and updated without issue. When logged in it only shows the Linux compatible games you have but lets you browse all you like. I have a few games showing up from some of the Humble Bundles. The store selection is a bit sparse at 41 tiles, and many games that actually have Linux versions like Bastion aren't available for Linux.
I've hardly ever used Steam, so its hard to make comparisons, but the client seems solid. The only quirks were that the “big picture” mode seemed to run in some dreadfully low resolution, and clicking on a title in the store sometimes would take you back to the main screen instead of the game
For the sake of testing and all of that I did something I have never done and bought a game through steam, grabbing Trine2 which I've been wanting. Paying, installing, and playing the game was all in working order and I imagine identical to the experience on win and mac. I then loaded up Steam on windows and the windows version Trine2 is available for install if I so choose.
So it appears to be in working order, though it could use a few more games. Impressions, feelings?
***self necro***
To try and be somewhat focused on the issue I am asking only for comments relating to Steam on Linux. What that means is if you love or hate the idea of Steam on Linux, or have something to say about your experience on using the client on Linux then feel free to say whatever you like. But if you have no personal feelings about Steam in direct relation to Linux, and just want to love or hate on it as a concept, then we have lots of other topics on that issue, and I would prefer those comments go there instead.
Obviously I did install the client, which was rather painless. It's intended for Ubuntu 12.04 but I'm running Mint 14 based on 12.10, which the client doesn't seem to mind. It installed and updated without issue. When logged in it only shows the Linux compatible games you have but lets you browse all you like. I have a few games showing up from some of the Humble Bundles. The store selection is a bit sparse at 41 tiles, and many games that actually have Linux versions like Bastion aren't available for Linux.
I've hardly ever used Steam, so its hard to make comparisons, but the client seems solid. The only quirks were that the “big picture” mode seemed to run in some dreadfully low resolution, and clicking on a title in the store sometimes would take you back to the main screen instead of the game
For the sake of testing and all of that I did something I have never done and bought a game through steam, grabbing Trine2 which I've been wanting. Paying, installing, and playing the game was all in working order and I imagine identical to the experience on win and mac. I then loaded up Steam on windows and the windows version Trine2 is available for install if I so choose.
So it appears to be in working order, though it could use a few more games. Impressions, feelings?
***self necro***
Post edited January 15, 2013 by gooberking