Starcraft, like many games of the past, is viewed through rose-tinted glasses.
To this day, it is hard to find a long-time (SP)FPS fan who doesn't love DOOM. It wasn't the first FPS, but it was the first one to "get it right". Compared to today, it is antiquated and insanely repetitive (plus, it relied on labyrinth style levels too much).
Same with Starcraft. It wasn't the first RTS, but it was the first to "get it right". Compared to today, it is antiquated and almost pure rock-paper-scissors (seriously, a lot of the SC fans should consider 4x games. Much more complicated build orders :p). But it still holds a spot in people's hearts.
That is actually why I am looking forward to SC2. Not as a player (I'll wait for the bundle before I go through the campaigns), but as a spectator. I want to see just how this fares (outside of the Koreas :p).