Posted January 04, 2010
Anyone else up for starting a DDOS attack? Even if its a joke, this guy is being a complete cunt. Also stupid, what use is light without the dark to provide contrast (and better music)?
In my experience superficiality is a human constant, those genuinely willing to see beyond the physical are the anomaly rather than the norm. Way back when I was in school, I was still stupid enough to think that other people's opinions mattered, that combined with being fat and getting the apparently compulsory abuse from intellectual inferiors (which was almost everyone at my school, I swear they were all incest children) was one of the primary causes of my depression. If I could change one thing about my past it wouldn't be my weight, it'd be changing how long it took before I started assuming that people were irrelevant until proven otherwise
Maybe someone should sign up Gabe Newell as many times as they could.