Posted October 04, 2012

I am a strict non-smoker, but I see forcing private owners to do something against their business interest is something I wouldn't ever choose over my own convenience or health. I wouldn't want to be told by strangers how should I run my business.
That's all I'm gonna say :P

Pubs were smoked in most places, so saying banning smoke is ok because it's for employees health is like saying banning coal is good for coal miners work.
But yeah, it's good when employed pub worker gets unemployed, because tons of smokers go elsewhere (bigger pubs that have separate rooms for smokers and non-smokers) instead of small pub that HAS TO BE non-smokers only and is almost empty now.
Let me clarify. "we" banned smoking in pubs in Poland unless you have separate rooms. And as you may guess easily, bigger and richer (as usual) could afford making separate rooms and they have the most amount of people now.
Small bars that are strictly non-smoking, because they can't aford expanding on two separate rooms, had to sack most of their staff due to lack of customers (how come?! people wanted non smoking pubs!!!), and it's more difficult to start a bar now, because you have to meet strict regulations and your non-smoking customers have smoking friends, so they won't go to your place anyway.
Oh yeah, market is a bitch.
One reason to completely ban smoking in bars is the fact that sooner or later the manager is going to order someone to go clean the smoking rooms or retrieve empty glasses there and the waitresses are compelled to obey or risk being the first ones to be laid off when the business slows down. There are professions that are difficult to make totally safe, but that is no reason to limit unnecessary risks in others.
About the smoking friends choosing the pub; I can't understand why any non-smoker would like to be exposed to smoke just to please addicts that are clearly not concerned about your health, but that is also a case of nobody "forcing" anyone to do anything yet people choose poorly and the society has to pay the bill or limit smoking even more.