Posted October 13, 2012

My illness has been making it increasingly difficult to play games over the last few months, and I was very upset when I simply had to force myself to stop playing Black Mesa, and I've given up on playing any games for the last few days, and may have little choice but to extend that to weeks or months. I get dizzy and nervous, I feel somewhat like I'm out of body.
One of the most distressing symptoms is a nervous habit I've developed over the last year or so, that has become increasingly worse to the point where it is almost unbearable, and I have become increasingly conscious of it. I have a compulsion to apply pressure to my face at all times, often with the need to keep one of my eyes covered or it's peripheral vision blocked as well. Usually with one of my hands, sometimes with a cloth, shirt, hat, pillow, etc. For years, I have suffered from occasional dizziness, and covering one of my eyes would alleviate that for some reason. Now it's become less effective and a compulsive habit.
I can't begin to imagine what this could mean or what it is a symptom of, and I've had no luck researching it myself. Much as I hate to think so, it may be related to my computer use, though I do attempt to regulate it and take regular breaks. I noticed this problem about the time I hit puberty, but it was never quite as severe as it is now. The psychologists and doctors at the time dismissed it entirely. Now it's almost impossible to keep my hand away from my face.
I quickly become conscious of it now, physically force my arms behind my back, but it's become a consuming madness like an addiction of sorts, and I begin to sweat, shake, panic, and eventually give in after a few seconds. I can't seem to fight it anymore, my willpower has been utterly shattered. Doing anything two-handedly has become extremely trying. Needless to say, it's been eating away at me and my will to live.
I should probably see a doctor, yes, but I fear the same dismissal I had after years of being ignored during my teenage years, more psychological drugs that often made things worse and even caused years of harm, I don't think I could possibly afford it, and frankly, I wouldn't know the first step to approaching this problem. I'm not sure seeing a doctor is a viable option. I hate to derail this topic like this, but you seem willing to help and I'm not sure how long I can keep ignoring this and pretending it'll get better on it's own. I'd really appreciate some non-professional advice, some kind of lead as to what this is and what I can do.