Soyeong: It seems to me that the newer MK games have way too many characters and moves. When I tried playing it at a friend's house, I felt like I needed to spend a hour memorizing moves on a dummy before I could competently play the character above generic punches and jump kicks.
I'll second that but I think the "over move" thing started a while back as early as #2 and then on to #3. One fatality, GREAT! Two fatalitys, cool! Three fatalitys, ummm. Three fatalitys and two stage fatalitys, wait a sec. Three fatalitys, two stage, BABALITY, and FRIENDSHIP!? HEY!!! I just want to see the one dude rip the heart out of the other dude and show it too him while it's beating...thats all!
IV is the only one I play right now and to be honest I master one hard to defend move and just poor it on. That is probably why I'm I'm not very good at it. :P I should say I did like the "bone break special move" they gave each character in IV.