tfishell: I was just wondering this: GOG has used the help of Timeslip (game modder, code tinkerer) for games like Soul Reaver and the latest DK2 patch, so I wonder if they could he could help them out somehow. (I'm sure they've already thought of this, though.)
EDIT: I think the problem is the add-on, as afaik it requires 3D acceleration.
I don't think Timslip did work on Soul Reaver, I know he did work on Thief 1+2, Anachronox, and DK2 but I don't recall ever seeing anything about him helping out with Soul Reaver.
As for Carmageddon it's using a DOSbox varient and Glide wrapper like Tomb Raider 1 is, so more then likely the problem lies with the SVN, the Wrapper or both not the game code itself. So I don't think Timeslip will be much help on that.