Wishbone: IP owned by EA will still be owned by EA no matter who buys the developer.
jamyskis: Indeed. You won't get Crysis out of EA's hands that easily, nor will you get Ryse away from MS.
Actually, I don't think Crytek own the rights to any of their games. All they own is the CryEngine, which no fucker seems to want to seriously adopt.
When you look at it that way, it doesn't seem surprising that they're going down the drain.
You two are wrong. CryTek owns the Crysis IP. EA only has publishing rights.
You don't have to take my word for it either:
"3. Intellectual Property Rights
CRYSIS and all copyrights, trademarks, and all other intellectual property rights related thereto are
owned by CRYTEK and are protected by German and international copyright law and other applicable
law. Licensee shall have no ownership or intellectual property rights in or to CRYSIS, including,
without limitation, all copyrights related thereto. " Source:
http://eacom.s3.amazonaws.com/EULA-Crysis.pdf See also the legal notice at the bottom of the official Crysis website: www.crysis.com
That would be this one: "© 2011 Crytek UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Crytek, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Crysis Wars, CryNet & GFace are registered trademarks of Crytek in the EU, the USA & other countries. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners."
Of course EA's publishing rights MIGHT(and probably does) still mean they are to ones GOG has to get permission from.
They also own the Time Splitters IP, the Homefront IP, the IP to their upcoming/newly launched F2P games, apparently Ryse and ofcourse the CryEngine.