MonstaMunch: I managed to make a Steam account last night, and I just got an email from Paypal promising to let me pay for stuff with them, but when I tried to check out the games, the "purchase as gift" button is dimmed and can't be selected. Any idea why?
Edit: I tried following your link to see if adding you would help, but the "add to friends" button is also dimmed and unselectable.
Foxhack: You need to verify your email and complete a purchase for your own account before being able to send friends invites to people. This is done to stop scammers and spammers. However, you CAN receive friend invites and accept them.
I suppose you're not allowed to buy anything because of that, too. :(
Hrm. I found that the Stalker CoP I was trying to get him had some loyalty limit thing, when I tried putting a more expensive version it says I can gift it, but it wants an email address to gift to because I "don't have any steam friends" <.< I'm also not even 100% sure if it will let me pay, but paypal said it would so it's worth trying.
Edit again: Foxhack, you were right, I needed to buy something to be able to do stuff. I just got Trine 2 (I'll have to wait until I get home from work to see if it'll actually let me play it), so I now know it'll let me pay too :)
Cleidophoros: Tell me what I need to do :)