cannard: ...And? So what if it was in a bundle? Just about every game out there has been in some bundle or another. And in case you didn't notice, that bundle is no longer being offered. Anyone who would want to buy the game now would have to pay $9.99. Unless you can prove me every single person on Steam owns the game Zeno Clash or bought that bundle then there is nothing valueless about the offer. Either it way it doesn't justify someone coming in to tell me my offer sucks and leaving it at that. If you don't like my trade then, as I said, "fuck off"! Or just don't post.
Oh I was just aiming to explain why you were not able to get any successful trades. You are, of course, welcome to do whatever you deem necessary. No need to get offensive there.
If you want to continue the "value" discussion - even bundled games become sought for after a while, but that sholud take several months after the bundle has ended at least.
In any case trading those previously bundled games at full retail price is almost impossible as their availability increases a lot after they were bundled and even further when they are re-bundled (Zeno Clash 1 was also bundled in Indie Royale before that humble weekly).