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Wishbone: FPS's just don't belong on consoles.
Mentalepsy: Want to hear something twisted and freakish? From time to time I run into some internet scrub who thinks first-person shooters are best on consoles, because you really need a gamepad to play a game like that. The mouse and keyboard just don't cut it.

Gasp, shock, and amazement. Differing opinions! We better start calling them even more names or else their opinions will make ours less valid!
Gundato: Gasp, shock, and amazement. Differing opinions! We better start calling them even more names or else their opinions will make ours less valid!

It's all in fun. Right now, somewhere, someone is laughing their head off at the idea of a person clumsily trying to play games on a glorified typewriter. I'm okay with that.
But I apologize if I offend.
Post edited November 11, 2009 by Mentalepsy
The ending can go screw itself.
I was skeptical about this game and hated a lot things about the first game, but as I see more and more footage of MW2 in action, it looks very playable now. I'm definitely playing this game.
I enjoyed the single player in CoD4, but I didn't care for the multiplayer. If Activision would sell an SP only package for $20 (Activision lol) I'd think about buying it.
Mentalepsy: Want to hear something twisted and freakish? From time to time I run into some internet scrub who thinks first-person shooters are best on consoles, because you really need a gamepad to play a game like that. The mouse and keyboard just don't cut it.

Only if there was a possibility to play against him from PC, so you could beat the crap out of his gamepad with your mouse+keyboard combo.
Sadly IIRC only Shadowrun allowed such things and consolists had some advantages and PC players had disadvantages, so the consolists may stand a chance.
The Metacritic user score for the game is 1.4. That's far too high! Come on, people! We can do better than this!
Looks like a fun campaign. I think I'll try it out.
On a side note, BigPond GameArena is now one of my favorite review sites.
On another side notes, you shouldn't give out a score of 100 to every fucking game just so you can get in good with the publisher. Every review site that gives out a 100 should be delisted from metacritic. Seriously.
I caved in and bought it (felt really dirty). After playing a whole heap of it, though, I have to say that it is awesome. PS3's multiplayer was kind of busted because they didn't invest enough in servers, but now it's working for me and awesome. The Campaign is crazy. Plus, there's that awesome black guy from The Quick and the Dead who's been in a lot of games recently like Mass Effect and Saint's Row, but I don't know his name.
Wow, I just finally understood the full extent of what was omitted from the PC version. And they're still charging $60 for the game? It still looks cool, but I think I might wait for a significant price drop first. There are enough other quality games for me to play at the moment.
Its a fantastic console game, if anyone was planning on getting it on a console anyway I have to say its well worth it. I didn't get to play through the single player but the multiplayer coop missions are awesome and the multiplayer team deathmatch changed up enough from cod4 to make it intresting again at least for me.
So it seems like the singleplayer is good, the multiplayer is poop (at least, it will be if you're on the PC and you live miles and miles away from any known server). I cannot wait, I'm a singleplayer gamer myself anyway.
well, guess I'll start looking for COD4 to drop in price and pick that up since the second one is out now