michaelleung: I use AOL mail (laugh all you want). Signatures are rendered normally as little grey bits of text on the bottom of the email.
bansama: Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. The signatures still display normally in the email, but are actually sent as attachments. Google groups recently didn't something to the way they send signatures which cause some email services/clients to receive them as attachments, so it's likely that something similar is happening in your case. Did you actually open the txt file?
Mind you, I've also received emails from clients in the past where the entire email arrives as a text attachment, html attachment as well as being rendered as a normal email.
Well the entire email came in a .txt, the body of the email was empty but all the serials and Thank You For Purchasings and whatnot were in the attachment. Weird.
michaelleung: I use AOL mail
Navagon: AOL still exist? D: I haven't seen or heard of any sign of them for many years now.
A - O - L dot com. Still works!