Elenarie: I knew you would mention that, which is why I said "quality of life" feature. There is something very wrong game design wise if my only options are to start all over again or keep playing something that I am bored with even more and hope that 4 random items drop.
Not allowing reroll of skills in games where skills are such a core part of the game, like in Planescape Torment or Vampire Bloodlines is one thing, because dialog choices, story progression, access of areas and much more depend on which skills you pick... but to not allow easy rerolls in a game where the choice between summoning squirrels to pick gold or wolves to attack doesn't matter at all is just silly.
Of course, this decision has significantly influenced structure and dynamic of the skill tree and entirely changed way in which the player is required to approach it. I've never been a min maxer, so I don't give a crap about having an inefficient build - I do, however, enjoy slowly building up my character, analyzing and thinking of where to go next, and seeing impact of my short and long term decisions. Diablo 3 completely changed the playing field, and that's fine - we need as much variability as possible in games in general, not just in aRPGs. There are, however, certain games which also figured out how to give you the feeling of slow and analytic development without locking your character to a fixed set of skills - yes, Path of Exile, I'm looking at you.