amok: According to Game, the problem is that it is not really a game, but series of clips. Which is why its called "interactive movie" - but as a movie it is just not very good at all. Compared with the live action games from the nineties, at least there where some game elements in them.
It's very similar to old FMV games for better or for worse, personally I enjoyed it but the game biggest flaws were in my opinion :
There is only one cursor for movement and action, so often you don't know if clicking will result on you moving or you doing something, very annoying when you are manipulating a control panel and you zoom out instead of clicking on a button that was three pixel away.
Another issue is that the game was originally 40-60 GB, to fit it on only 14 they had to compress it, compress it very badly, so in the end not only the game style looks like it's from the 90s but sadly the video quality also looks like it's from the same time period.
But for me it's biggest flaw was the monstrosity, the infamy, the degenerated bastard from hell known as .... QUICKTIME
Maybe the games works well on Mac but on PC it's a pain, first you have to find a version of QT that works fine on you PC, sometime it's the version that came with the game, sometime it's the latest one, sometime it's some random version floating on the Net, but even once the game starts it's very unstable and with some graphical glitches.