P1na: 1-
Why do you want to play this game? 2-
Why would you rather buy any other game over "Deus Ex"? Answering question 2 first: because I don't know what to expect. From the few gameplay videos I have seen, it looks like a story-heavy FPS, and in general I am less into FPS than, say, point-and-click adventures.
But then there are things like this:
Bigs: Must... resist... urge... to ... reinstall.... ;)
P1na: you can try, but we both know you'll fail
which suggests that this game is really so great, and I have always felt like I have missed out on something. On top of discussions and exchanges between those who have played Deus Ex, I have seen in the reviews that there are often alternative solutions other than the obvious shoot-them-up solution (which is probably really the point of this game,
"deus ex machina"). Multiple solutions are something many point-and-click games fail to deliver, although they really should!
So the bottom line is, if Deus Ex can be played more like a good adventure game with not too heavy FPS components, then I would definitely really want to try it!
I very much hope that this game will be in a better sale sometime this week, e.g. a cyberpunk pack.