MadyNora: I would really love to see a real time combat system, where you really need to block, jump away, parry, etc, becasue you can die in 1-2 hits, and your life depend on your tactics and skills.
VanishedOne: One thing that I've been starting to notice about the party-based WRPGs I've played -- both IE-style RTwP and turn-based, but it's much more noticeable in the latter - is that movement and attack/defence tend to be treated largely as separate subsystems. So you have your melee fighter walk to a position adjacent to an enemy, then they stand there trading blows: it's not an action of
charging at an enemy. Dodge mechanics commonly just modify a character's chance to hit; nobody actually dodges to a different position.
I remember playing NWN1 years ago, and thinking how the
intro really rubbed it in that that wasn't what the combat system was actually like.
You do have quite a complexity in Expeditions Conquistador.
Scouts for example walk up to the enemy and from the very start you got styles and movement skills to 'detect traps', sneak where 'no opportunity attacks are allowed while passing enemies' and feint 'you attack, sneak past and hit in the back from the other side' (great to get through enemy lines).
Soldiers can hold their ground as 'action', increase the armor of all surrounding allies etc.
Sages can give extra actions to other allies.