xxxIndyxxx: Mouselook always feels wrong to me (controls strange and feels like cheating) but when it works i don't mind using the mouse for looking left or right more and more, an unavoidable side effect of games using mouselook since circa quake i suppose and now all of them use it so... ;).
Wishbone: Quake was the game that switched me over to mouse+keyboard instead of just keyboard. After having my ass handed to me repeatedly in multiplayer, I had to make the switch, and I never looked back since.
For me it was already Duke3D. With original Doom 1-2, I didn't see much point in trying to make the mouse aiming usable. I think by default moving the mouse up/down caused the soldier to move forwards/backwards, which was very irritating, but I'm sure that could be switched off. But as I recall the autoaim in Doom games was anyway so strong that it didn't matter much, at least in single-player. (I tried the mouseaim (sideways) later though, and I guess it was ok.)
I first started playing Duke3D the same way as I had always played Doom games, but being able to tilt head up and down made me eventually try the mouselook... and my god what a difference it made instantly! There wasn't even any learning curve, I felt instantly that I was doing much better in the game with the mouse, than trying to aim with the keyboard.