cw8: Yeah, I was 20 minutes into the Ancient Rock Wraith fight on Nightmare last Sunday when the game CTD at 50% of his hp.
Cross class combos to kill off the Assassin real quicky. Shield Bash-> Assassin Staggered->Imp Crushing Prison->DPS all you can->before Crushing Prison goes off, cast Horror->Nuke->Paralyse->DPS->Assassin dies.
Heh, biggest flaw with that advice is I don't have those spells. But I do understand the gist of it (i.e. use combos). I'm only level 8 right now though, so maybe I should wait a level or two, but I stubborn. I'll get that bastard!
cw8: I'm near the end of Chapter 2 with Level 17 characters. Fights are now alot easier than they were when I'm below Level 10. Also the more I play now, the more disappointed I get with the game. The repetitive dungeons kill of all immersion for me, the mansion dungeon, the mine, all of them same.
I must admit this concerns me. I'm really not too bothered for the most part about having areas recycled sometimes, but from what I've been reading they way overdid it in DA2. Coupled with the 'let's throw several waves of attackers at the player - that'll surprise him!' design of the encounters and I have a feeling I'm not going to see a whole lot of replayability in this one.