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Was just watching the famous "nearing high noon" sequence. There are minutes, in cinematography, that are strikingly well crafted, and are often an inspiration for the "guess the movie" forum game. I know this forum is crowded with acute cinephiles. I ask, what are your favorite sequences in cinema ? Insztants that stand out with their quality, how well made they are, how they convey what they convey - in terms of cinematography, acting, narration, or how they are articulated together ?

I would have liked not to mention Leone as it feels like cheating (every minute fabricated by that guy was sublime), but I adore :

- The cup sequence in "Once upon a time in America", where Max and the gang await noodle's reaction, and he remains silent, with no background music, just the sound of the spoon in his cup.

- The famous flashback-free indianapolis story in "Jaws", direct narration, pure actor prowess, yet more evocative than any CGI video they would have slapped on it nowadays.

- The matchbox scene in "North by Northwest", in my eyes the peak of hitchcockian tension.

- The reveal and last dialogue between De Niro and Rourke in "Angel Heart". I love the acting, the pace, the gramophone music, the flashback cuts, all these cogs in place. It's a scene I keep re-watching on youtube. But no link, because it solves all the movie's mystery. "Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise..."

- The Harvey Keitel scene in "Pulp Fiction", of course. Speaking of Tarantino, the whole tavern scene in "Inglourious Basterds" was the best of the film.

- The dream sequence in "Zazie in the subway". Best rendered dream feel ever, especially the awakening instant.

- The blind shooting game, near the beginning of "Rhum Boulevard". A very different tone from the rest of the (delicious) movie, yet it had marked me as a kid.

- The whole beginning of "Goldfinger", from the pre-title sequence, duck on head, mirror eye, electric bath, door slammed, title song, and miami hotel music.

- The south american getaway ellipse, in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" - there's four movies worth crammed in that one, with Bacharach's insanely marvellous musical perfection.

- The last scene involving Kevin Spacey and James Cromwell in "LA Confidential". If you know the characters from the books, you see it coming, but still, the delivery makes you believe the actors were really surprised by the turn of event.

- The anti-revolutionary speech of Rod Steiger in "Once upon a time the revolution", already intense enough as it is, Morricone's soundtrack is almost overkill there.

- The confrontation between Terence Hill and Henry Fonda in the cemetery, in "My name is nobody" - as an option, followed by the wild bunch's walkyrian charge.

And, okay, my list is already three times as long as what I aimed for. Let's be more selective. Any fil sequence you always wait for when rewatching a movie, or sometimes seek on youtube, or remember more precisely than all the rest ?
The 'fight' between Indy and the sword twirling opponent in Indiana Jones 1 :-)

And basically everything in Once Upon a Time in the West. But most of all the beginning at the train station and the final duel between Harmonica and Frank.

Oh, and the "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." speech of Roy Batty in Bladerunner. Gives me the shivers every time.
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Lifthrasil
Off the top of my head?

LOTR - Return of the King - The charge of the Rohirrim. "Deaaath!" "DEEAAAAATH!"

The Terminator - the future war scenes

The Dark Knight - "You're a lucky man.....but he's not.". "Who?" "Your driver".

Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan - "The needs of the many...outweigh the needs of the few."

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Indy uses the Grail to save his dad.

A few "oddball" choices

Transformers - The Movie: "You've got the've got the POWAAAAAAAA!". Also: "Behold....Galvatron!"

He-Man & She-Ra - Secret of the Sword: "No! My brother! FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!!!!!"
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Nergal01

Watch this.
I've got two.

"Manhunter" the InnaGoddaDaVida climax.

"Boogie Nights" Sister Christian; I really don't need to say anything about that scene. It is pure cinematic brilliance!

Oh and "You've got the Touch" from Transformers was better in Boogie Nights, IMHO. :P
Post edited February 06, 2013 by tinyE
Two favorites to add to the list.

"Here's Johnny!" from The Shining

The bank robbery scene from Heat
Lifthrasil: The 'fight' between Indy and the sword twirling opponent in Indiana Jones 1 :-)
Ha, that one is a classic.

As for Once Upon a Time in the West, I'd have to pick the part where Harmonica's past is "explained".

I think my top choice would be the corridor fight at the hotel in Oldboy.
I've got two that always leap to my mind.

The first is from 'Transformers: The Movie':

Just the way it escalates, how there's a definite sense of 'oh, shit!' when Megatron issues the order, Springer's quip, the music... Then Prime arrives with the Dinobots, gives a simple order, and Grimlock leaps into battle without fear or hesitation. Utterly outclassed, they charge in any way, and do what they can, which is only just enough (yes, I know, the animation isn't exactly stellar...)

The second is from Star Trek 6:

The build up, the music, and a very simple launch all combine to give a great feeling of starting one last epic space adventure. Not to mention when the Enterprise is seen, it looks absolutely gorgeous.
The final scene of In the Mood for Love. This one's nice too.

The final scene of 2001: A Space Oddity. Here's another nice one.

The bells in Breaking the Waves (again, a finale).

The finale of The 400 blows, of course.

Every time Faye Wong enters Tony Leung's apartment in Chungking Express.

Orson Welles' enigmatic smile in The Third Man.

This scene from Europa.

Grace Kelly making a naughty joke about a dead woman in Rear Window.

The Dance from House of Flying Daggers.

Melancholia's opening and finale.

The Club Silencio Scene from Mulholland Drive.

The scene in The Passion of Joan of Arc, when the jury asks if the angel Joan claims to have seen had long hair.

The scene in Sunrise - A Song of Two Humans when the husband breaks down while watching the wedding of two strangers.

The finale of La dolce vita.

That one scene from Ordet, if you've seen the movie you know which one I mean.

The opening scene of Werckmeister Harmonies.

Asa Nisi Masa from 8 1/2.

This scene from Andrei Rublev.
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Ivory&Gold
Ooh and the cave scene in "Ravenous", with Carlyle left ouside. Spoilerrific, but those who saw the movie... It's so magnificently intense and creepy.

Speaking of Carlyle, I adore the opening of "28 weeks later".
By today's standards, maybe not so great but . . when released the Tears In The Rain scene from Bladerunner.
The rape scene in "Cold Mountain"

The "moment of truth" in "A.I" ending

Delorean sprinting to catch the lightning in "Back to the Future I"

Gerald Butler owning the judge in front of the court in "Law Abiding Citizen"


Tense cabin scene with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin in "The Edge"

Russel Crowe's speech in "Gladiator"

Denzel Washington's "bullet to the head" in "Gangster"

Denzel Washington's "bullet to the mouth" in "Man on Fire"

Yes, Satan in "Ace Ventura I"

Every scene with Admiral Benson in "Hot Shots"

Roger, Oscar, Victor in "Airplane!"

YOU SHALL NOT PASS! in "Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring"

Beacons are lit! "in Lord of the Rings Return of the King"

And I almost forgot:

The drop sequence in Starship Troopers. (the music is as awesome as the scene itself)
Post edited February 06, 2013 by FAButzke
Stuff: By today's standards, maybe not so great but . . when released the Tears In The Rain scene from Bladerunner.
That movie and that scene are geat by any standards. Good choice!
Tears in the rain from Blade runner
The shower scene from Pyscho
"My Family's always been in meat" -Texas Chainsaw massacre
Willow's dance as well as the king for a day(fool for a lifetime)/finale to the wicker man(1973)

"I been waiting for your call" Audition

a "cold" spell The Abominable Dr. Phibes
Post edited February 06, 2013 by DCT
The hallway fight scene in Old Boy.