Gazoinks: Wait, is that actually a thing that happened?
The collector's edition even.
Click. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk showed off his hometown pride by giving Obama a lavish package with "Witcher 2"-themed presents and Polish vodka. Here's how the chief of protocol describes the loot:
DVD, title: “Best of the Witcher 2: Video Trailers for President Barack Obama,” distributor: Atari. Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka. Book, title: “Blood of Elves,” by Andrzej Sapkowski. Book, title: “The Last Wish,” by Andrzej Sapkowski. Set of four 2″ x 1.5″ clear glass liqueur glasses, each has “Zubrowka” engraved in white. 13.5″ x 9.75″ x 4.5″ “Witcher 2” gift box, inside are three golden “Witcher 2” coins, a “Witcher 2” book, “Witcher 2” stickers, “Witcher 2” make your own aircraft. 5.5″ x 6.5″ x 3″ ivory-colored bust of “Witcher 2” character “Gwynbleioo,” a DVD box set of “Witcher 2” bonus DVD, Game DVD, and Game Guide. “Witcher 2” playing cards, and 5 wooden die in black sack with “Witcher 2” emblem. 11.75″ x 7″ x 5″ brown leather carrying case with handles and lock. Rec'd—5/28/2011. Est. Value—$497.08.