I'm not much for scares - sure, you may nearly piss yourself, fall out of your chair, or have a heart attack, but that's about it. The horror of realizing that something is very, very wrong; or the terror of anticipating that something will go very, very wrong - that's what I prefer in my scary games. Some games that I found were pretty good at creating such an atmosphere include:
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. All I'll say is "shooting yourself in the head due to massive sanity loss".
- X-COM and Incubation: "impending doom" would be a nice way to describe them. Especially the former. The aliens are coming, and they're going to kill you. All of you.
- Alien vs Predator: see above, except now there's only one of you.
- Silent Hill and Sanitarium: are you one that's gone insane, or is that the rest of the world?