JudasIscariot: Well...I guess I could play it in Czech. The only problem for me would be remembering that some Czech words don't mean the same thing in Polish. How bad are some of the design elements?
It's strictly old-school. While few here would probably consider that bad design, I do, for game design progressed leaps and bounds since 90s. Difficulty curve is crazy (not that it's really hard per se, it just sometime is hellishly hard and sometimes strangely easy), some skills are just way more useful than others and classes are horribly imbalanced. There are some quests that rely on pixel hunting - Observation skill should have pretty much solved that, but it didn't. My thief utterly ignored what he was good at and I've had to search for clues in walkthroughs. But people discovered how to do it, it's apparently far from impossible.
Add a clunky interface and you get Inquisitor.
It's not all bad, however: Writing's usually great, I really like the fact that you can ask any 'NPC with name' about literally anything and he will always give you his view of the situation, which is crucial to atmosphere since you're conducting and investigation. The 'investigation' part is great as well, you can torture people if you think it's acceptable and seeing the true culprit burn is strangely satisfying.
The investigation itself is well made, it's just shame that after you get to gather clues in an intelligent and fun manner, you find out that you have to go trough a long and uninteresting dungeon just to get the last one you need. That's where the game comes down to usual Diablo gameplay and it loses part of it's charm.
The music and atmosphere are brilliant thou - even thou it's medieval fantasy, they have captured the feeling of inquisitional investigation and punishment very well, and it's only up to you if you want to be a do-good or what actually used to be an inquisitor. The story has multiple endings and what you do throughout the game actually matters. And music just adds up to that - it's slow, dark and moody.
Still, if I were to rate it, it'd get 70% - while bad points of the game are quite frustrating, it has a lot to offer to RPG fan, and weapon/armor descriptions are genius, those guys knew their shit. It's up to you to decide if it's worth deciphering Czech language.