Here's what I came to find about nVidia cards
The first number is the model number
So a 120 is model number one.
Usually about 7 to 9 different models are presented throughout the year.
But a higher model number does not necessarily mean just means the actual
architecture of the card is a little different
For instance model number 2 (2 Series) might not have a fan where as model number 6 (6 Series) has one.
The strength of the card is measured by the second number.
So a 120 is one step better than a 610
Fortunately I was able to pull the order before it shipped and got an ATI HD 6 series card instead which cost me about fifty bucks more.
An ATI chokes on strong PhysX features.
For instance I can only turn PhysX on to low level in Arkham Asylum, any further and I wind up with frame rates below 20.
If I leave it off completely I don't get any particle affects like mist.
With nVidia (for which PhysX is tailored) you can leave Batman's PhsyX off and still get the mist but it doesn't look as real as Readon with PhysX set to low.
So in instances of PhysX games, I suspect top line nVidia cards will handle those better than topline Radeon cards.
Post edited December 19, 2012 by carnival73