vulchor: - How is it deemed an inappropriate thread? I have never read such a rule that would deem this inappropriate. Who decides? I have never seen a moderator determine similar threads inappropriate
Again: Everyone else uses the Classifieds for trade offers. You don't, you want your own thread, even when people point out that that's not such great behavior. Is that appropriate?
vulchor: - No special treatment was asked for, and certainly not demanded.
You're currently the only person in the entire forum for whom it's not enough to use the Classifieds for trading, you don't accept criticism on that behavior, but you "don't ask for special treatment". Yeah, certainly.
vulchor: - $30 for anything at all in return can hardly be deemed a horrible offer.
You are asking for a 24$ game in return for two codes for a free to play game, for which codes have been given away on various places on the Internet. Not only that - due to the nature of your offer, you also need someone to get _both_ of those keys. 99% of the offers in the Classifieds are better than that.
vulchor: - Bumping a thread after a day is not uncommon. I didn't keep bumping it over and over again, for days at a time. I gave it a day and tried again. This isn't bad etiquette. It's not even obnoxious or annoying.
Bumping a thread that was entirely made because _you_ wanted a certain game, but made an offer that was so horribly weak that nobody was interested and the thread died almost immediately for good reason, is something for which I'd call "obnoxious" a euphemism.
vulchor: - Calling my post egotistcal is an ad hominem attack, not asking someone to not back-seat moderate when that is what was done.
You were notified about a thread that we have for offers such as yours.You not only brushed that off, and completely ignored the facts of what was said, you also told that person to "go find something useful to do with your time". I'm sure that was just a friendly advice.
vulchor: I'm done. I didn't intend to offend anybody.
I'm not offended. I'm angry that somebody sees his personal gain of getting a certain game as so important that he deems it justified to flaunt a special thread for a particularly weak offer in the face of everybody else, repeatedly, when all other members are using the Classifieds for this. And I'm angry that that person, on top of showing this egoistical behavior, brushes off people who call him out on that, ignores advice, and tells people to "go find something useful to do with your time" when they point out his misbehavior.
But yeah, the point has been made, and the damage has been done. Sausages are probably all that's left.