UPDATE: As you've kindly decided to include me in the exceptions list, and after several hours weighing whether participate or not, I've decided to enter. ;)
Clive Barker's Undying ($6 game) as first option.
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project or
Rise of The Triad: Dark War (from Kristian's list) would be an excellent second option. :)
*Please, check the update above* --> [Not in, as I'm not qualified], but thanks for your generosity, K_1269! (great idea for the giveaway)
I'd like to support several fine fellows not mentioned here yet:
A) Fullfiling both requeriments:
ne_zavarj (raising awareness and promoting indie games), and
JMich (always willing to help to any forum member), :)
B) Not enough rep, but with a continuous positive impact:
Dischord and
NameGoo (continuously gifting to others),
KOCollins (who is doing a outstanding job in the GOG gifting thread, too) and
Barry_Woodward (totally committed to bring as many good games as possible to GOG). :)
I'll edit my post if I remember more people (my memory is atrocious) :D
akhliber: You're so close! +1 :)
+1 too. ;)