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high rated
First off a quick plug, don't forget my current Steam Giveaway for Kareteka & Blades of Time :

This time around is all the other spare keys I have for Desura, each are individual keys so no issues (unlike Indie Royale for example where one key it an entire bundle)

Only requirement is that you have been an active forum member for a month with 10 REP which is easy enough to get.

So the games :

Fairy Bloom Freesia
Paranautical Activity
Radical Roach
Constant C

So there will be 6 winners in this giveaway. Please state which game you are entering for in bold so its easy for me to track!

This one will run till 9PM UK Time on Monday 3rd June

Winners selected at Random by the wife!

To enter I would like you to tell me which games do you think really were landmarks in their genre / sub genre. I don't want to see things like Wolfenstein and Doom for shooters for example, these always come up. I want you to go back to late 80's till 99 with games from the systems back then (console or computer). I want your personal opinions and thoughts on this, not a metacritic or some random website that tells you such and such a game is the daddy of them all!

As an example : I would say Interphase by Imageworks (1989) was an awesome Cyberpunk shooter / flight hybrid, one of my favorites on the Amiga. You manipulated 3D objects in virtual space to change things in the real world so someone could infiltrate the headquarters of a corporation. It crossed genres - Stealth, Flight and Shooter and it wasn't overly complicated to play.

Vote for it on the wishlist :

This will be cool for people to discover classics (myself included) so please try and include links :)
Not in but +1
Not in, but I thought you meant Mortal Kombat II :P
In for Eleusis.

The Magic Carpet games strike me as landmarks in the sense that I remember MC2 as an awesome land-marking experience: you don't see terrain deformation done like that very often, especially in an action game.
in for constant c

I thought populos was pretty cool. I always enjoyed controlling a peoples destiny, or destroying other peoples destinies. This game always seemed to be different then everything else. Thanks for the giveaway.
May i in? Please.

Paranautical Activity
Looks realy good!
Not in but thanks and +1 :)
Not in, but thanks and +1 for your generosity, Iain!

For me, Dune II was a truly landmark. I had the chance to play it at the time and thanks to it I'm a sucker for RTS games since then. Such an enthralling sci-fi atmosphere, cool units and powers, three well-balanced sides and challenging gameplay was as a mix made in heaven. :)
Post edited May 29, 2013 by Thespian*
Iain: Snip
I'm in only to get Guncraft for my kiddo who loves minecraft and asked me to get him the game.

I think a landmark game would be SSI's Darksun: Shattered Lands , as it was one of the first RPG games that I played that successfully did the top angle view, allowed great customization of characters, sucked you into the atmosphere, and set the stage for games that improved on it's model, like Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc.

The only downside to the game, as happened with many of the DOS era games, were the bugs and glitches that could be frustrating at times. I believe that it would've had readily available patches, or community fixes had the internet been popular and readily available then. However, I hardly noticed many glitches during most play throughs, but a lot of people had issues with it.

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands on Mobygames

A Dark Sun: Shattered Lands youtube gameplay video

Vote to have it on GOG here
Not in, but thanks.
Landmark BUMP!
Another BUMP!
Get yer Desura keys BUMP!

Also thanks and +1 for this, but not in.
Post edited May 31, 2013 by Spinorial