hucklebarry: Not sure why we don't have sub-forums here, it works for the individual games. We desperately need an off-topic.
I'd also be for an giveaway sub-forum.
My guess is they don't want to moderate (i.e. move all the threads people create in general just to get more views).
I'll mod for games! :p
I don't understand this need to categorize everything. The General forum is already off-topic, that's why it's called "General" and not something specific like "Talk about GOG here". That's actually one of the reasons I like these forums so much more than others, there is no artificial division of users along interest lines. It's like going to a large party with interesting people all over the room who can talk about anything you like. Want to talk politics? Head over to this thread here. Sick of talking politics and want to talk games now? These guys in this thread have some interesting things to say. Oh look, that one is about music I like, I think I'll head there next. Variety, it's a good thing.
While I agree, a giveaways/self-promotion sub-forum might be nice, simply for the convenience of it, dividing the general forum into multiple sub-forums for every possible topic that general already covers would be pointless and far too much hassle, both for us and the GOG staff.