I hope you guys had as much fun in guessing the games as I had in reading your guesses. There were a total of 30 contestants. I only considered it a correct guess if you had the full game title. Mistakes such as forgetting 'The' and ':' were overlooked. I am sorry if I didn't count your correct guesses correctly, but I am pretty sure I didn't make any mistakes with the three winners.
The winners are:
Accatone – 41 correct
Chimerical – 36 correct
mondo84 – 35 correct (won by earlier submission)
Congratulations guys! Let me know which game you desire :)
Here are the correct guesses of the rest of ya:
35 correct: drennan
34 correct: lugum, 441635
33 correct: Stooner, WireHead
32 correct: cydexx, Thespian*
31 correct:
30 correct: Pemptus
29 correct: korell, retsuseiba
28 correct: Death2Videodrome, ashwald
27 correct: SnakeSqeaker
26 correct: klaattu
25 correct:
24 correct: makr3la, DProject
23 correct:
22 correct:
21 correct: Kmonster, ErekoseDM
20 correct: Garugo, lain, Soyeong
19 correct
18 correct: ggf162
17 correct: Prydeless
16 correct: Cosminm, Azrael360
15 correct:
14 correct: QC, Archetype00
Sorry drennan... bad luck :(
Accatone was the only one to guess 'Galapagos'. Well done dude.
I have attached all the correct answers in case you were obsessing over them the past couple of days :)