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haha - gog the underdog:

# 644 - Steam Powered
# 1,263 - Game Stop
# 1,307 - Big Fish
# 1,960 - Game Agent
# 2,778 - Origin
# 4,130 - Game Fly
# 5,470 - GOG
# 7,470 - Zylom
# 11,230 - Green Man Gaming
# 14,723 - Gamers Gate
# 15,988 - Wild Tangent
# 31,276 - Desura
# 37,931 - Impulse Driven
# 63,505 - OnLive
# 72,179 - Get Games Go
# 72,744 - UPlay
# 90,293 - Nuveem
# 119,842 - Game Tap
# 158,406 - Beam Dog
# 165,294 - Gaikai
# 230,221 - IndieCity
# 327,215 - DotEmu
# 776,008 - Indievania

If you want to support the DRM free underdog - then places like Desura, DotEmu and Indievania needs you a lot more then gOg :)

(did I forget any? Amazon and GFW Live cant be done as they are very compound sites)

Edit - God, how I like lists...


# 7,802 - Humble Bundle
# 51,699 - IndieGala
# 54,332 - Indie Royal
# 110,157 - Groupees
Post edited February 03, 2013 by amok
amok: haha - gog the underdog:

# 644 - Steam Powered
# 1,263 - Game Stop
# 1,307 - Big Fish
# 1,960 - Game Agent
# 2,778 - Origin
# 4,130 - Game Fly
]# 5,470 - GOG
I'm surprised Origin is so high in that list. I didn't think it was as popular as that.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by gameon
Shows my knowledge of DD sites. :-)

Never heard of:
# 1,960 - Game Agent (seriously, 1960? What is it?)
# 7,470 - Zylom
# 15,988 - Wild Tangent
# 165,294 - Gaikai
# 230,221 - IndieCity

Never been there:
# 63,505 - OnLive
# 72,179 - Get Games Go
# 119,842 - Game Tap
# 776,008 - Indievania

Never shopped there:
# 1,263 - Game Stop (ugh)
# 2,778 - Origin (I activated one game there though)
# 1,307 - Big Fish
# 31,276 - Desura
# 72,744 - UPlay
# 158,406 - Beam Dog
# 327,215 - DotEmu

Used to purchase game:
# 644 - Steam Powered
# 4,130 - Game Fly (4-5 dirty cheap games)
# 5,470 - GOG
# 11,230 - Green Man Gaming (2 paid games and lot of freebies)
# 14,723 - Gamers Gate
# 37,931 - Impulse Driven (3 dirty cheap games)
# xx,xxx - Amazon
QC: Childless, check.

Moderately Educated: I'm studying electrical engineering

Under 35: By 11 years.
You're same age as me lol. :D
Vitek: # 1,960 - Game Agent (seriously, 1960? What is it?)
Mac games
gameon: I'm surprised Origin is so high in that list. I didn't think it was as popular as that.
It isn't. Alexa rankings are inherently skewed. People who put up with Origin(1) are also more likely to install the Alexa Toolbar and not disable tracking, so they will be naturally overrepresented.

(1) Clarification to avoid further confusion:
People who know about the privacy concerns over Origin's current EULA and earlier practices and still use Origin, or people who don't know or don't care about internet privacy at all, are more likely to install the Alexa toolbar than those who care about internet privacy and refuse to use Origin for privacy reasons.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by drennan
gameon: I'm surprised Origin is so high in that list. I didn't think it was as popular as that.
drennan: It isn't. Alexa rankings are inherently skewed. People who put up with Origin are also more likely to install the Alexa Toolbar and not disable tracking, so they will be naturally overrepresented.
joke, I hope?
amok: joke, I hope?
You sound like you know something I don't. Do share. :)
amok: joke, I hope?
drennan: You sound like you know something I don't. Do share. :)
it sound more like you know something I don't know. I would dare to hazard a sweeping generalisation like this...

by the way - since GoG is so high up on the list....
amok: it sound more like you know something I don't know. I would dare to hazard a sweeping generalisation like this...
Well, the EULA of the Origin client contains a clause that allows EA to collect information about your hardware, software and application usage, and the Alexa toolbar collects information about your internet usage. Don't you think that someone who is bothered by one of these is likely to be bothered by both, or the other way round, someone who lets one of these on his system will be more likely to tolerate the other one, too?

It sounded like common sense to me, but I may easily be wrong about this, I don't have any hard data to back it up.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by drennan
amok: it sound more like you know something I don't know. I would dare to hazard a sweeping generalisation like this...
drennan: Oh, it's quite possible. The EULA of Origin client contains a clause that allows EA to collect information about your hardware, software and application usage, and the Alexa toolbar collects information about your internet usage. Don't you think that someone who is bothered by one of these is likely to be bothered by both, or the other way round, someone who lets one of these on his system will be more likely to tolerate the other one, too?

It sounded like common sense to me, but I may easily be wrong about this, I don't have any hard data to back it up.
soo.... from this we can conclude that people who like GoG is a person not bothered by this also... after all it is one of the highest DD sellers up there not tied to a client...

eidt -nwm.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by amok
amok: soo.... from this we can conclude that people who like GoG is also a person not bothered by this also... after all it is one of the highest DD sellers up there not tied to a client...
We can conclude that there are GoG users who aren't bothered by this, which is hardly surprising.

amok: I really dislike generalisations based on stereotypes.
So do I, and I don't think my post had any of that. I didn't say "All Origin users will install the Alexa Toolbar", I said they are more likely to tolerate it. I still think it is a reasonable assumption, but I apologize if you found it offensive for whatever reason.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by drennan
drennan: So do I, and I don't think my post had any of that. I didn't say "All Origin users will install the Alexa Toolbar", I said they are more likely to tolerate it. I still think it is a reasonable assumption, but I apologize if you found it offensive for whatever reason.
nah -you just made a (completely wrong) sweeping generalisation about people who use Origin. That's fine.

It would have worked as a joke.

oh - it did not cross your mind that maybe Origin is not universally hated and it is used by a lot of people? That it may be the second largest gaming client, and the main store front of the largest game publisher on this planet? But I guess this do not matter as the numbers must be skewed... I honestly expected it to be at the number 2 or 3 spot for the reasons above.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by amok
amok: oh - I did not cross your mind that maybe Origin is not universally hated and it is used by a lot of people?
I didn't say anything to suggest otherwise. I said that the rankings are inherently skewed. I didn't even attempt to estimate the extent by which they are skewed. Maybe Origin would lose 3 ranks in a theoretical "perfect" ranking system, maybe it would lose 100. And yes, it is possible that the theory is completely wrong and there is no correlation between the two groups using either of these two privacy-invasive applications.
amok: oh - I did not cross your mind that maybe Origin is not universally hated and it is used by a lot of people?
drennan: I didn't say anything to suggest otherwise. I said that the rankings are inherently skewed. I didn't even attempt to estimate the extent by which they are skewed. Maybe Origin would lose 3 ranks in a theoretical "perfect" ranking system, maybe it would lose 100. And yes, it is possible that the theory is completely wrong and there is no correlation between the two groups using either of these two privacy-invasive applications.
especially since Origin is not a "privacy-invasive applications". There was a lot of rumours of it being so when it started due to some wording in the EULA, which since have been proven time and time again do not happen... but it is perpetuated by some people for god knows what ever reason. (the form bans - now that was real)

I think it is fairly safe to say that the theory is wrong due to the rating gog have on the same list (and some of you lot I have seen here is some of the most paranoid people I have meet - and that is a joke, I am not saying all GoG users are paranoid)... Compared with the other sites doing similar things and previous observations - it seems fairly accurate to me and not skewed at all.