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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. Of course Fallout, Baldur’s Gate, and some other of our most popular titles will always get a lot of attention, but GOG has many more classics to bring you. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of GOG’s catalog, we’re going to be offering a promo on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Think of it as a curated promo on some of GOG’s favorite titles that you may not have played. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

For our inaugural GOG Gem Promo, we’d like to introduce you to a serious friend of ours. His name is Sam. Released by Croatian developers CroTeam in 2002 when games were becoming ever more “realistic” (by which most developers seemed to mean “brown”), Serious Sam: The First Encounter was a throwback to the button-mashing, alien-killing days of shooters gone bye. Saturated with color and packed with so many bizarre enemies (headless monsters with bombs for hands, anyone?) that your screen would fill with literally hundreds of them, Serious Sam’s combination of gameplay and wacky world-building made it a huge success. The First Encounter has been available on GOG since August of 2010. While it’s not the HD version you can find elsewhere, the gameplay is untouched, and for $2.39 you owe it to yourself to skip that post-lunch latte and get serious.

This promo will run from 12:00 noon GMT today all the way to 11.59 GMT tomorrow. Grab your copy of Serious Sam: The First Encounter while it’s hot, and stay tuned for our next promo in two weeks!

(Hint: It won’t be Serious Sam: The Second Encounter)
Unfortunately for me I already have this one. Better luck next time I guess.
eyeball226: Awesome! Of course, I'm not much of an FPS fan so I'll give this a miss. Here's hoping for something I want in a fortnight.
GameRager: Ah, you Brits and your wanky
What? You mean "fortnight?" That's not wanky lingo, but rather proper English. (Yes, they still speak English in Britain.) Look it up in your favorite dictionary.

Post edited March 23, 2011 by Khalaq
I purchased Serious Sam from Best Buy when it was originally released.

It came with the Serious Level Editor and Modeler which was a hundred times more valuable than the game itself.

If GoG could only find and them to the copy that they have on here.
carnival73: I purchased Serious Sam from Best Buy when it was originally released.

It came with the Serious Level Editor and Modeler which was a hundred times more valuable than the game itself.

If GoG could only find and them to the copy that they have on here.
They are included in the normal install of both the first and second encounter.
carnival73: I purchased Serious Sam from Best Buy when it was originally released.

It came with the Serious Level Editor and Modeler which was a hundred times more valuable than the game itself.

If GoG could only find and them to the copy that they have on here.
Skelebob124156: They are included in the normal install of both the first and second encounter.
So the GoG version has them? Might be worth robbing a bank today.
Skelebob124156: They are included in the normal install of both the first and second encounter.
carnival73: So the GoG version has them? Might be worth robbing a bank today.
For $2.39 it might be far easier to work honestly for it than risk imprisonment.
Truck: You know, while we're discussing off-topic bits that should be gog gem'd - the "gem" of this year's GDC seminars: which can now be viewed on GDC Vault:

Eric Chahi's "Another World" (or in the States, 'Out of this World.')

Which is absolutely worth paying the full price for...
Indeed! Another World is probably my favorite game of all times :-)
I wonder how much Croteam is making... Serious Sam got noticed again what with all of these promos and the announcement of SS3:BFE.
I prefer Flashback over Another World, but anyway.. Nice flash promo GOG, always appreciate these!
Good to see these promos back although I already own the HD version of this, oh well.
This gem promo every 2 weeks seems awesome !!

Im ready to buy a full load of gems at 2.40 $
Post edited March 23, 2011 by apoc17
Bought the game, absolutely worth it at this price. :)
Now waiting for the next promo in two weeks. Glad it's not Serious Sam 2, since I already own that. Hehehe...
Maddog1: Bought the game, absolutely worth it at this price. :)
Now waiting for the next promo in two weeks. Glad it's not Serious Sam 2, since I already own that. Hehehe...
Serious sam 2 is not on GOG...

Serious Sam second encounter is on GOG !!
Post edited March 23, 2011 by apoc17
I am definitely going to be purchasing every single promo, just to bloat my backlog even more.
I'm not interested in this one but it's surely good to see that the idea of Flash Promo has been somehow introduced - it's nice to have 2 more promo events during month - however it would be nicer to have 1 additional promo day in a week :-P.