I don't care much for the star rating, I like to read some reviews fully through however (although some users like to post entire books for reviews) and that will usually give me the gist of a game. With a site like this, nostalgia is going to be a major factor when making reviews. If anyone knows of ZeroPunctuation, Yahtzee said one thing in his DeusEx review about there being tons of people familiar with the first hour of the game because they played it through once when it came out and liked it. Now, blinded by nostalgia, they want to play their childhood favorite through again, and love it for a bit, only to realize how far gaming has come. Not that the games on here are bad, but I feel no nostalgia towards them and can tire quickly of some (My mother was very conservative while I was young, the only game I had was an old Sonic Genesis collection for PC)