Leroux: Maybe you'd have more success splitting the amount among several users? Like User A buys you a $5.99 GOG for a $5.99 Steam, user B buys you a $9.99 GOG for a $9.99 Steam game, etc? Or did you have more costly games in mind?
Good idea. Now I realize $30 or $35 is a lot to ask from people.
P1na: Unfortunately there isn't 30$ worth of games I'm interested in on steam. My wishlist over there is quite empty, and I only buy discounts to begin with.
I'm willing to trade with you for the DMC DLC, though. I was considering it, might as well finally get it and help you out while I'm at it.
Very kind of you. Are you talking about Devil May Cry? All the DLC for Devil May Cry costs $8.97 from Steam. I'm willing to purchase this for you for 2 $2.99 GOGs from promo. OR for 1 $4.99 GOG and 1 $2.99 GOG from promo.