Posted December 21, 2012
high rated
I'm feeling the holiday spirit and I would like to share my love of games with all of you. I went and purchased the new Humble Indie Bundle (gave most of the money to charity) and the truth is that I'm only looking to play Dungeon Defenders. I don't have any interest in the other games.
SO I'm going to be brave and post my e-mail address on here. All you have to do is shoot me an e-mail and say which game you would like. I'll send you an e-mail back with the Steam key for that game. (1 game per person please)
First come, first serve.
Everything has been claimed. Thank you GOG community! Happy Holidays to all!
Claimed games are:
Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC (already claimed) Congrats Frank!
Closure (already claimed) Congrats Sebastian!
Shank 2 (already claimed) Congrats Grzegorz!
Snapshot (already claimed) Congrats Malvosin!
Legend of Grimrock (already claimed) Congrats Matt!
I'm feeling the holiday spirit and I would like to share my love of games with all of you. I went and purchased the new Humble Indie Bundle (gave most of the money to charity) and the truth is that I'm only looking to play Dungeon Defenders. I don't have any interest in the other games.
SO I'm going to be brave and post my e-mail address on here. All you have to do is shoot me an e-mail and say which game you would like. I'll send you an e-mail back with the Steam key for that game. (1 game per person please)
First come, first serve.
Everything has been claimed. Thank you GOG community! Happy Holidays to all!
Claimed games are:
Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC (already claimed) Congrats Frank!
Closure (already claimed) Congrats Sebastian!
Shank 2 (already claimed) Congrats Grzegorz!
Snapshot (already claimed) Congrats Malvosin!
Legend of Grimrock (already claimed) Congrats Matt!
Post edited December 21, 2012 by vindren