Posted November 30, 2012

HB: "ummm.. nope, that was a once off only, the next bundle will not be handled this way"
HB: "ummm... sure, but then you need to sacrifice more blood to the blood god"
HB :"hmmm... yes off course, let us pay you for the priveledge also"
HB: "ummm... what the f**k, what do you a**wh*pes think you are, get the f**k out of here"
HB: "ummm.. no, sorry, the world is black and white and this proposal do not fit in whit out principles, All discussions are off"
HB: "um.... I have a little pet rabbit, his name is Bob"
I could carry on. Some of them may be a little more realistic then others, all of them having just as much bearing on this conversation as yours. But please, repeat what you said a couple of pages back again. I am sure it can be said for the forth time.