Posted December 01, 2012

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted December 01, 2012

The Humble Bundle guys used to be rather important in the DRM-free movement, they've lost that now. They're basically just DRM-neutral like Desura in terms of stance ("we won't put any DRM on games but if the developer puts DRM on we'll sell it anyway").

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted December 01, 2012

"You don't like what the Humble Bundle i doing? Why do you hate charities?!?!?!?"

RPS is like a hive mind of pretentiousness though.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted December 01, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted December 01, 2012
Post edited December 01, 2012 by SimonG

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Faroe Islands
Posted December 01, 2012

EDIT: Ninja'ed.


The Humble Bundle guys used to be rather important in the DRM-free movement, they've lost that now. They're basically just DRM-neutral like Desura in terms of stance ("we won't put any DRM on games but if the developer puts DRM on we'll sell it anyway").

Post edited December 01, 2012 by Kristian

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 01, 2012

This is what MAY happen, you do not know if it will or will not happen. I do not know what will or will not happen.
You think something may go one way or another, I think it may go another way. Neither of us know which one is correct until events have unfolded. So just please, tone it down a little, it makes things much better. It also makes conversations more pleasant.

Registered: Nov 2008
From Norway
Posted December 01, 2012
This is a bit like when Good Old Games dropped "old".
Anyway, I think it's pretty cool. I doubt it will be a common thing, and I think that most bundles will continue to be DRM-free - that's a big part of the appeal of the concept, and they know it.
Not that I care, I usually have all the interesting games in their bundles already, and when I don't, I buy the bundles for the Steam-keys.
Anyway, I think it's pretty cool. I doubt it will be a common thing, and I think that most bundles will continue to be DRM-free - that's a big part of the appeal of the concept, and they know it.
Not that I care, I usually have all the interesting games in their bundles already, and when I don't, I buy the bundles for the Steam-keys.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted December 01, 2012

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Faroe Islands
Posted December 01, 2012

This is what MAY happen, you do not know if it will or will not happen. I do not know what will or will not happen.
You think something may go one way or another, I think it may go another way. Neither of us know which one is correct until events have unfolded. So just please, tone it down a little, it makes things much better. It also makes conversations more pleasant.
I would just say that this is matter of how you asses the probabilities, I don't see how this could NOT result in certain developers getting hesistant when confronted with DRM free, cross-platform requirements of a HIB and either wait it out for a THQ style bundle.
Post edited December 01, 2012 by Kristian

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 01, 2012
Name calling is never OK, off course. Misrepresenting... the problem when you present your views as you have done, very one sided, is that it do not leave any room for discussion. It is either or, take it or leave it. When this is done, the the only options to comply completely, disagree completely or change the initial into something you can deal with. It is also a lot easier to read something into it, as there is not much there. I know you do not like "shades of grey" and you think it is against principles to talk this way, but it can actually be more accurate if you make your statements in a way which do not represent a total polarity, if you do then you will get miss-represented just so people have something to deal with. Does it make sense?

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Faroe Islands
Posted December 01, 2012

To try to put some words on it, I could say that what I was responding to was a sort of anything goes mentality. A Humble Bundle that Steam only, Windows only? Fine! GOOD. Throwing away all your must cherished beliefs and selling out? YAY!
When people start talking about "pragmatism" being good and "fanaticism" being bad I start to imagine my self as a abolishonist in the times of slavery and people telling me: "We should abolish slavery? Now you are just wacky. Stop being a fanatic. Lets be pragmatic for once"
I am very well aware that this isn't remotely as important as that issue. But the attitude is what I am reacting to. Again this is something books could be written on.
Post edited December 01, 2012 by Kristian

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted December 01, 2012

A humble bundle with DRM is just not worh getting worked up about until it actually gets widespread, and it's definitely not worth demonizing as much as you do.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Faroe Islands
Posted December 01, 2012

A humble bundle with DRM is just not worh getting worked up about until it actually gets widespread, and it's definitely not worth demonizing as much as you do.
Why the heck would any developer remove the DRM from their game due to a DRM only bundle? That makes no sense at all.
"A humble bundle with DRM is just not worh getting worked up about until it actually gets widespread, and it's definitely not worth demonizing as much as you do."
Well I just care much more about DRM free, cross-platform gaming that you do it seems. I care enough to the point that it IS worth demonizing as much as a I have. The thing is I am almost certain that the amount of games that will give up DRM and go cross-platform because of this is 0 and I have a zero tolerance towards even one game that may otherwise have given up its DRM and single platform nature due to this sticking to it.