Starkrun: Beamdog is redoing Baulders gate 1 and 2 + expansions in modern day graphics, essentially making a HD version.. after that they hinted towards moving on to IWD...
Since IWD will take years this sounds like a great space filler ^_^
They won't be modern day graphics. They are essentially going to do a tutu or trilogy. They are going to convert the entire series to work in the Throne of Bhal engine. They will also add some quests and dialogue, fix up some quests and make some convenience changes.
Nothing ground breaking to be honest, but still, nice to have. They also said that they will try to make it as compatible with current mods as possible which is nice.
I look forward to hearing how many changes they will make. I also hope for updated PST and IWD games. I personally hope they don't change IWD, it is one of the most beautiful games from that era.
Edit; by change I mean the backgrounds. The models and spells look like crap.