Posted March 13, 2012
morecowbell24: Ron Paul is the only candidate in either party fighting for minority rights.
orcishgamer: You're really, really looking at a small slice of the evidence out there. Most of the evidence is to the contrary. Don't think just because he wants to abolish the drug war (which would definitely help many minority groups) that he's not also in favor of policies that would royally fuck over the same groups. Ron Paul is for some sort of crazy idealism, and not even the good kind of idealism, people who get in the way of those ideals are just some unfortunate causalities.
I don't like any of the candidates for POTUS and that includes Ron Paul.
orcishgamer: The real question is whether the harm is greater or less than the harm caused by current policies. Vancouver BC (I could be wrong on the city, but definitely BC) has a clinic, Insight (Insite?) that simply provides a safe and clean environment for taking drugs, they provide all materials save the drugs themselves. They have tons of ODs but very few deaths thanks to the nursing staff. A few of those people move upstairs to Onsite which is a treatment program, some never do, either is okay. I'm fairly convinced we could legalize drugs and make it safe. Part of the reason meth is such a problem in my state is precisely because drugs are hideously expensive (well, except for pot). We'd likely eliminate some of the nastier crap out there by eliminating the war on drugs.