korell: On the subject of Rage, a Steam friend of mine is trying to get it working on their machine but suffering major texture problems. This isn't the popping-in issue, the textures just aren't loading up at all. Screenshots attached.
I believe they have a Quad Core Phenom 1 and an ATI 5870. They are running on 32-bit XP.
They don't yet have the Scorchers DLC (which has the latest 1.3 patch in it) but they might get it to see if it fixes it.
So, seeing those screenshots, I've not seen anything like that with Rage before. I know about poor quality texture problems, corrupted texture problems, and pop-in texture issues, but completely missing ones is a new one to me and I can't find other examples of it. Anyone got any ideas?
Well, I managed to help my friend get the textures loading. Just in case this helps anyone, the setting we used in the rageconfig.cfg file was to change vt_maxppf to 1. At present he is still using 4k textures, but we might try more tweaks to get him up to 8k if possible.