Cavalary: 4 HDD failures so far, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2012. Finally learned my lesson after the 3rd. Now have 2 HDDs in the computer, with a script that automatically backs up just about everything daily, and also occasionally back up certain more important things on an USB stick manually, so after this last failure not long ago it was just a matter of installing Windows on the backup HDD and picking up where I left off till a replacement for the main one came, instead of running around like a headless chicken worrying about recovering my data... Though of course I was still worried that I'll have this one fail too...
hedwards: If they're failing that frequently, get a UPS. HDD shouldn't be failing that frequently.
I did, since 2005, replacing as needed... Interesting coincidence actually, since I've been having a computer since 1992 and didn't have HDD failures before. (Don't blame the 2004 one on the drive, wasn't mine, I had moved and my computer followed me later, so it was on the one I was using at the time and had been quite abused before, I heard.)
Still, the 2007 one was on a drive that was just weeks shy of 5 years old, and this other model that failed in 2009 and this year was apparently known to fail frequently. Seagate Barracuda ES.2, I got it just because it was listed as more reliable and tough luck... When I bought it it was newly released, so no complaints then, but by the time of the first failure there was a flood of them on sites, many saying it just lasted 6-7 months, so the year and a half it lasted for me was already good. Then was extremely careful with the replacement (well, 2nd replacement, first was dead on arrival...) and it held on for 3 years, but then failed again. 5 year warranty, so still have a few months and at least always got a free replacement so far, but won't be putting much faith in this one now...
Speaking of warranties and of the fact that they shouldn't be failing that frequently, after manufacturers had initially taken them up to 5 years you may remember the time they said they can't sustain that anymore and dropped to a single year. Since then, they had increased back to 5 at the time I got this, but looked now and saw that nearly all HDDs now just have 2, only a few models at 3 and just WD's 10000 rpm ones still at 5. At least in the shops from here.... So they must know something. Guess everybody's moving to SSDs now and HDDs are just made to be as cheap as possible and, well, buyer beware, you're on your own.
As for this entire conversation about online backup services, I have serious issues with cloud... anything, largely starting from the fact that I have to trust my data to somebody else.