cpugeek13: Yes, actually that is the case. I'm starting to think a turn-based strategy game might be a good idea. Anyone know any that are relatively simple and straightforward? (HoMM is already on my maybe list, I wish we could play Civ4 though I'm worried that its too complicated)
Bah, ninja'd by the OP, refuting everything I said! Well, almost everything. Sins of a Solar Empire is my vote, if you are intent on a strategy type game.. It isn't a turn-based strategy game, but that may not be a bad thing. It is actually slow, by real-time strategy standards, and it wasn't too complex as I recall.
The trouble I had when I played Master of Orion 2 with an old GF (over a decade ago, yeesh), was that it get tedious towards the end. Even playing with concurrent turns, someone always had to micromanage (new technology that turn or whatever), and the other person would have to wait for the turn to end. Usually I would end up surrendering to her, and then just watching her finish out the game.
I'll look for a TBS game that is simple that doesn't require a lot of micromanagement . One must exist somewhere, but I don't think I ever played anything like that.
Yeah, on second thought you might be right, the HOMM games are not THAT bad with micromanagement. At least not as bad as some games i have played. I would just buy one of them from here and see how she likes it. They are not that expensive, after all.
I still think sins of a Solar Empire (for strategy game) or Diablo II (for a co-op type game) would be better, but to each his own :).