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I dont know a lot about reconfiguring the interface from pc to mac but can we get more mac games?? PLEASE!!
DavidBuchanan: I dont know a lot about reconfiguring the interface from pc to mac but can we get more mac games?? PLEASE!!
there working on it as best they can, keep in mind that they need to get the rights holders to agree to allow them to release their game on the MAC, then they need to test and tweak the releases and all that. So it takes sometime.
Also, don't forget to back up all your mac games. While the windows box version will stay on your shelf, there is a chance the mac version could get pulled if they lose the rights to that version.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by Thunderstone
Thunderstone: Also, don't forget to back up all your mac games. While the windows box version will stay on your shelf, there is a chance the mac version could get pulled if they lose the rights to that version.
no,that only happened with ONE game and that was due to the fact that it turns out they didn't have the rights to distribute that version in the first place because the MAC version of the game was owned by different company all together then the one who owned the Windows version.

Everything else save for that one game, and a few indies, are a MAC version made by GOG themselves(usually using Boxer or Wine) so I really doubt that will happen again.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by DCT
Thanks for input guys. nice to know its an ongoing process.
DavidBuchanan: Thanks for input guys. nice to know its an ongoing process.
No prob. just keep checking at they said there going to add at least one "new"(new as in new release) MAC game each week, usually it tends to be more, like this week there were two new games added with Avadon and Cannon Fodder 2, and there pretty good with releasing MAC versions of older games(older as in games that are already on sale here) each month.
Yeah there are a few strategy games from my childhood im praying will be converted into mac format. age of wonders being the key one. Great game.
Thunderstone: Also, don't forget to back up all your mac games. While the windows box version will stay on your shelf, there is a chance the mac version could get pulled if they lose the rights to that version.
DCT: no,that only happened with ONE game and that was due to the fact that it turns out they didn't have the rights to distribute that version in the first place because the MAC version of the game was owned by different company all together then the one who owned the Windows version.

Everything else save for that one game, and a few indies, are a MAC version made by GOG themselves(usually using Boxer or Wine) so I really doubt that will happen again.
That explains it, thanks for the heads up. My point still stands that it is always good to back up your games anyways.
DCT: no,that only happened with ONE game and that was due to the fact that it turns out they didn't have the rights to distribute that version in the first place because the MAC version of the game was owned by different company all together then the one who owned the Windows version.
Which game was that?
DCT: no,that only happened with ONE game and that was due to the fact that it turns out they didn't have the rights to distribute that version in the first place because the MAC version of the game was owned by different company all together then the one who owned the Windows version.
saramakos: Which game was that?
Imperial Glory methinks.
DavidBuchanan: Yeah there are a few strategy games from my childhood im praying will be converted into mac format. age of wonders being the key one. Great game.
Age of Wonders actually already plays quite well on OS X using Wineskin. Age of Wonders 2 and Shadow Magic also work really well on Wineskin too, for that matter.
DavidBuchanan: I dont know a lot about reconfiguring the interface from pc to mac but can we get more mac games?? PLEASE!!
There is already a slew of Macintosh games here. They just announced the Mac as a supported platform. Stay tune, I imagine there are many games to come in the future.
DavidBuchanan: I dont know a lot about reconfiguring the interface from pc to mac but can we get more mac games?? PLEASE!!
If you'd like, porting games yourself has become a lot more straightforward. You don't have to wait for GOG to do it. Rampancy has a good how-to thread here ( Also there are lots of pre-made wrappers from Pall the Tall: He also has how-to-videos of how to do it yourself if you'd like to learn.

Or you can wait for GOG. :) As others have mentioned, porting games to Mac is an ongoing project for GOG.

'Till then, have fun!
Post edited February 10, 2013 by crazy_dave
Wow. What a great community of gamers and fellow nerds. Thanks for the links and stuff. Super helpful guys.

The wineskin site has no games itself to download correct? Just the wineskin mod itself?
Post edited February 10, 2013 by DavidBuchanan
DavidBuchanan: Wow. What a great community of gamers and fellow nerds. Thanks for the links and stuff. Super helpful guys.

The wineskin site has no games itself to download correct? Just the wineskin mod itself?
Wineskin isn't a mod; it's a Mac app that is a wrapper for WINE, just like CrossOver. Like CrossOver, you use it to create a compatibility wrapper in which you install and run your Windows games.

crazy_dave linked to my tutorials on how to use CrossOver and Wineskin; I've also been writing a semi-regular column for Inside Mac Games called "Crossing Over", focusing on getting GOG's titles to run on OS X through CrossOver (but the same principles apply to Wineskin, and I've been working on a write-up about Wineskin for some time now).

If you're more content to use premade wrappers, PaulTheTall (who crazy_dave linked to) has a whole ton of wrappers, and if you go to the Porting Team forums, you can also download wrappers too. Remember, these are just the compatibility wrappers, powered by WINE - you still need to (legally) get copies of your Windows games, and install them (assuming they work in WINE).