arusaku: Arcanum:
Fallout with elves during the industrial revolution. This game is an epic example of steampunk with a unique twist. I know that there are bugs in this game, but honestly I was so drawn into the setting, the plot, the music and the gameplay that I consistently find myself going back to the world of Arcanum. The game can be challenging but also rewarding.
Plus, who doesn't love having sexual encounters with sheep?
Arcanum would be my recommendation as well. On top of what arusaku has already said (well put, btw), let me elaborate by saying that I wanted to play as a smooth-talking spellcaster who would amass a mini-army of followers to do his work for him, including a meat shield, a healer, a thief, a familiar, and summoned monsters...and that's exactly what I became. The possibilities not only in plotline, but in long-term character creation are extraordinarily deep.
GothikOrk, do you like being a brute of a fighter? Or a thief? Or a diplomat? Oh hell, who am I said yourself that you liked Fallout, so you get the idea. Arcanum is just as customizable with your character as Fallout is. The game system is decidedly different from Fallout, but its just as enjoyable.