Ois: I rather enjoyed the demo, what it did allow felt like the last-stand/survivor modes in games like ShadowGrounds and Alien/Zombie-Shooter. But with a little more variety.
It's the type of game that has potential for expansion (and DLC :S). I'm keeping an eye on it to see what their commitment is, as a number of small/indie titles come on steam, promise features and they don't end up happening.
But I'll probably but it next time I need to spend time blasting away at something and I'm bored with my current game collection of that genre.
Trust me, their commitment is very very solid. Just as an example, I can now name 2 things that have or are being implemented into the game based off of my own feedback to the developers. The difficulty level slider, and the upcomming change in health drop rate (where lower levels will see less and higher levels more).
The next update comes out this week and then another will be released in October which introduces co-op modes and, most likely, modding tools.
anjohl: I guess if a game trying to capitalize on Left 4 Dead is your idea of fun
Except that this game is far more fun than L4D has ever been. If anything was cashing in one anything, it was L4D cashing in on all the zombie games that came before it, such as the Killing Field mods, etc.
It also plays differently to the Alien/Zombie Shooter games, so that comparison isn't really good enough either. Although it is similar to pre-existing games. But then, the same can be said for pretty much *any* game...