haydenaurion: The "N" key on my crap keyboard is going out, so I figure I may as well switch to a mechanical keyboard, but I have no idea what brands are good. Any good suggestions from fellow gogers? I'm looking at getting either a Cherry MX Red or Cherry MX Brown keyboard.
Ive got actually two.
The first one is old model Das Keyboard, MX Blue with blank keys:
http://www.esreality.com/files/inlineimages/2011/84230-das_keyboard_lrg1.jpg I use it at work and like to write with it very much. I like the clickety-click sound - but i had to to evacuate the keyboard to work after my wife threatened its wellfare (she couldnt appreciate the sound).
The second one is Filco Majestouch Ninja with MX brownies..i used this at home till last christmas, when my wife poured some drink over (by accident, this is quiet :) ...i think i should be able to clean it up and put to use this summer. Been so tired/busy that havent had the time to clean it well enough to plug in to computer.
http://cdn3.pcadvisor.co.uk/cmsdata/reviews/3311553/majestouch-ninja_800.jpg Both are of high quality, is espcially the filco has very overall feel.
If i had the money and reason to buy third id try probably Red's or Clear's. The brownies are good, but i think i might like red more for the gaming. this is just hunch though.
Other good brands than Filco and Das Keyboard? Well there are lots of brands to choose from, depends do you want to have lights on buttons and all kinds of extra buttons and knobs.
Ducky is supposed to be very good brand. Corsair and Razer have some more "modern" mechanical keyboards with extra bits, but personally i probably wouldnt buy either brand. QPAD and steel series ive also heard lots of good about.
But if money isnt issue, id go with either Filco or Ducky.
Oh then there is 'Topre' - also quality keyboard and veeeery expensive one. closer to 200e i think. It has very nice feeling to it, although its not exactly mechanical - they have their own tech under the buttons. If you have chance to try one, you should. I had tough time deciding between Filco and Topre.