NamelessFragger: Ah, so it's basically WWI-era Falcon 4.0 as far as the singleplayer campaign is concerned? Or is it not dynamic, but still exciting overall? (Speaking of which, what the hell happened to dynamic campaigns in general, anyway?)
Shadowcat: Sort of. I don't think the flight modelling is at the same level as F4's (although it's pretty reasonable), but I guess you could say that. The campaign definitely is dynamic, although I think it might be a bit more random than F4's.
As to what happened to dynamic campaigns? I think it was just too hard to increase the fidelity of the simulation and still maintain that kind of campaign complexity into the bargain. They're really hard to do well, and in the modern market, simulations (with the apparent exception of consoles driving sims) are about the hardest games to create, with one of the smallest target audiences wanting to pay for them.
If the RB3D source code shows up, I'd love to see it open-sourced. That would open the door for TrackIR support, and so much more. Red Baron 3D has had simply incredible longevity (the mod work done by certain community members was truly amazing), and it would be fantastic if there was a chance for it to be updated further.
Wait... holy cow. TrackIR is already possible?! I had no idea!
That's awesome.
Whoa. Between those videos and others that depicted some graphical upgrades, I'm almost sold.
I just need to get cracking on that Strike Force 3D gimbal modification already. Need to find a small metal rod/shaft and some linkages...