P1na: Excuse me, but can't let that one go. lol wut? I travel with my laptop ALL the time. And I'm not the only one, believe me. Not by a long shot.
Yeah, I'm aware. It was more aimed at the "everyone has their computers hooked up to the internet almost 24/7" thing. I know my Xbox isn't hooked up to the internet 24/7. The only reason that the PS3 is is because we use it for Netflix.
The desktop part was thrown in because a large part of the computer market still uses desktops. EDIT: Yeah, the logic is a bit skewed but think of it this way.
There are two types of computers: laptops and desktops. You can travel with one, you can't travel with the other. There's one type of Xbox One. You can travel with it. Rather than whatever % of the market being affected, the entire market is affected.
EDIT: Furthermore, does your laptop require you to connect to the internet? Are you not able to use, say, Photoshop, if you can't connect every 24 hours? You can afford to travel with a laptop. The way this is setup, you may not be able to travel with an Xbox One, depending on the location.
Also, the whole "Simcity, Diablo 3" example doesn't apply. The computer itself doesn't require you to be online. The game does. The Xbox One ITSELF requires you to connect to the internet once every 24 hours.
I just can't use a console that expects me to be online. My
iPhone doesn't even expect me to be online all of the time. If I lose service, I can still use apps that work offline.
EDIT: So in short, there are a few views that could be taken that all count against the Xbox One's online requirement.