bradgy: Defender's quest on GOG anyone? It's really good. You will like it.
PM me
edit: gone to Zurvan7
Zurvan7: Thanks again my man :) This was my first ninja grab after two months or so :p
@grunthos64 I don't loot many games on this thread simply cause I rather have other people have the title who actually want to play it. Why should I ninja a game and shelve it? So I rather have someone playing it than doing nothing with it.
As for the random grabs, I see people dropping 4 steam titles with visible code and like 30 seconds after that someone replies that all of them are gone. I think there are some non members here who loot stuff.
Imo there should be a rule, like first one to reply/PM gets the game and one title per person or you can ask for a game every 2 days or something. This way everyone gets his/her chance and people will actually play the game.
But since there are no rules, this thread has turned into a troll thread recently.